Performance Schedule

I’ve delivered well over 1,000 performances in Second Life and each one has been a genuinely live event. I don’t use backing tracks or any kind of special effects to artificially enhance the quality of my delivery. In an age when what you hear can be very different to what actually happened in the studio, I salute those of you who support genuine live performers – particularly when I forget which chord comes next!

Second Life performances during  October 2024

Sunday 6th October – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 15th October – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (8.00pm UK time).

Sunday 20th October – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 29th October – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (7.00pm UK time – 1 hour earlier because of daylight saving difference).

Second Life performances during  November 2024

Sunday 3rd November – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 12th November – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (8.00pm UK time).

Sunday 17th November – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 26th November – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (8.00pm UK time).

Second Life performances during  December 2024

Sunday 1st December – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 10th December – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (8.00pm UK time).

Sunday 15th December – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Tuesday 24th December – Trickster’s Sounds from 12.00 noon PDT (8.00pm UK time).

Sunday 29th December – Belle’s Coffee Shop from 10.00am PDT (6.00pm UK time).

Creativity arises at the confluence of experience and personality. I have always hoped that my songs can help people who are stuck … like I was. People who are lost … like I was. I understand music to be something that gets beneath the surface and speaks with clarity and authenticity. With the lyrics, I look for metaphors and parables that chime and occasionally gently nudge. I hope you find something to enjoy.

I showcase some of my songs on Soundcloud where they are free to listen to.

I invite you to find a little time to visit my web page on Bandcamp where you will find recordings of songs written by me, together with songs written in collaboration with Morgue McMillan. There is also a lot of instrumental stuff and songs with a ghostly theme. They are also free to listen to and can be downloaded for a small fee. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

brendan.shoreland (at)